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  • Smoke v5.19.11-37-g45558e2 FAIL(F) netbsd 5.1.2 AMD 686-class 2

    This report never had a log

    Automated smoke report for branch blead 5.19.12 patch 45558e2060d49c463cdc10e07f8ff1c8e5d72cd4 v5.19.11-37-g45558e2.
    deimos.tony.develop-help.com: AMD 686-class (amd64/2 cpus)
        on        netbsd 5.1.2
        using     cc version 4.1.3 20080704 prerelease (NetBSD nb2 20081120) (*1)
        smoketime 4 hours 28 minutes (average 22 minutes 21 seconds)
    Summary: FAIL(F)
    O = OK  F = Failure(s), extended report at the bottom
    X = Failure(s) under TEST but not under harness
    ? = still running or test results not (yet) available
    Build failures during:       - = unknown or N/A
    c = Configure, m = make, M = make (after miniperl), t = make test-prep
    ----------------------- ----------------------------------------------------
    O  O  O  F              -Dstatic_ext=Cwd (*1)
    O  F  O  F              -Dstatic_ext=Cwd -Duse64bitint (*1)
    O  O  O  O              -Dstatic_ext=Cwd -Dmad (*1)
    O  O  O  O              -Dstatic_ext=Cwd -Duseithreads (*1)
    O  F  F  O              -Dstatic_ext=Cwd -Duseithreads -Duse64bitint (*1)
    O  O  O  O              -Dstatic_ext=Cwd -Duseithreads -Dmad (*1)
    |  |  |  |
    |  |  |  +------------  perlio DEBUGGING
    |  |  +---------------  stdio DEBUGGING
    |  +------------------  perlio
    +---------------------  stdio
    Testsuite was run only with 'harness'
      Applied patches:
    Skipped tests:
    Test failures:
    Compiler messages:
        Pattern(gcc): /(^(?-s:.+?):(?: In function .+?:$|(?: undefined reference to .+?$)|\d+(?:\:\d+)?: (?:warning:|error:|invalid) .+?$))/

    About this smoke:
    smoking-perl: 5.14.2
    smoker-version: 1.53/0.045
    timestamp: 2014-05-10 01:02:27+02
    tester: perlsmoke
    UUID: FAC5AA78-D7CD-11E3-9602-8EF223E824A9 Branch: smoke-me/avar/rv-fix-79908 Config: staticcwd Logs: http://perl.develop-help.com/reports/